Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Getting Started

June 11, 2012
            So we have just arrived at the hostel we are staying at for the next two nights, and let me tell you, it took a lot of effort getting here! I never realized it, but schlepping two, very heavy, suitcases around Israel probably wasn’t my greatest idea yet. This past week has been really tough— first saying goodbye to my entire class and school as a whole, then saying goodbye to my family and friends, and yesterday, saying goodbye to my parents. I guess it just hit me yesterday that I don’t have an immediate return, and that things ARE going to change in the next year. By the time I come back, most of my friends will be done with a year of college, there will be a new baby cousin in the family, and so many other things that I can’t even try to predict. And not only this, but I will be different also. But that’s for another day.
            So, usually in situations like an airplane or travel in general, something awkward always happens to me. So I was honestly amazed when everything went relatively smoothly, with no awkward bumps in the road. Which is both good and bad. Good for me because I didn’t have to deal with any weird situations, but bad for you because that makes this post really short and uninteresting!

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